Our Writing Projects

are managed using a generally
accepted project life cycle
based on

Project Management Institute
PM Book of Knowledge


Establishing a successful business relationship may often depend on formal correspondence that builds the know, like, and trust factors necessary to make sales. For regular business writing that generates the impression of a substantial enterprise you want to make sure that composition and grammar are correct and that the presentation is properly formatted.

Business Writing

Many forms of business writing can benefit from our Write4hire.com service, some that, otherwise, may never get completed. One important feature of the Canadian landscape is the wide range of ethnic backgrounds that have come together in one place. This created opportunities for immigrants, but there are many new challenges these new Canadians contend with, especially in the field of communication. Writing is an important skill to be fully competitive on all fronts with other businesses. There is nothing wrong with enhancing your ability to get the message out on par with long established enterprises.

A professional 3rd-party, Write4hire.com can take a basics letter, transform that into formal writing, and return it to the client for their signature and have it ready to be mailed out. There are many forms of business writing that can put the brakes on opportunities if not well executed: there is no need to allow yourself to be held back, simply because it is a challenge to do business in English as a second language, or merely because you are not accustomed to writing in a business-like manner.

Business opportunities are often contingent on proposals or formal quotations that might have to be produced in a short timeframe. Technical staff may provide input but may not be able to transform that into a proper written document. That is where we can consolidate the input into a formal document.

You can make your correspondence stand out depending on who receives your material. Each client is unique, and it also makes a big difference if we merely transform otherwise complete information or if we compose documents from limited input. We are more than happy to discuss options. We collected a rich library of formal correspondence to use as templates for creating all kinds of targeted correspondence for our customers. You can request specific formats if you have a preference, or we can select what we think suits your needs. The steps in the process are quite simple for our established customers:

1. Prepare the rough text of what you want to communicate, even in point form, so that we can understand the exact intent of your communication. You can simply communicate that in an Email.

2. Make sure we have your name, address, E-mail, and contact phone numbers.

3. Send the email to us at support@writeforhire.com

4. We will send you a response Email with PayPal information if you do not have an established account with us.

5. When the payment is completed, or if you are an established client, we will get you the correspondence within 2 days.

Business Writing image

Make sure we have enough information to complete your letter, or else we may need to go back and forth to get the letter completed (this is part of the total cost of service). Usually, we produce letters in PDF format if the customer does not have MS-Word on the PC they want to use for the results. However, we can deliver output in the MS-Word output formats listed at left.

If you want to bypass the online payment delay prior to us doing the work, we can also establish a client account with a retainer for pending work to be done. We will report back on the status of your account as work is finished.