Make sure that your marketing collateral delivers appeal to entice readers to look at what you are offering. Make sure that you have useful information for the products and/or services you offer. It becomes a reference to review when prospective customers are thinking about purchases (other than for impulse buying). It also provides approved data to reference when your staff are asked for this kind of information. How you deliver marketing material impacts on operations costs.
The challenge with newsletters is to keep producing relevant information on a regular schedule. That may conflict with many other things you have on your plate, which makes this one of the initiatives you may want to outsource. You decide on the frequency and format for the information, understanding that a regular newsletter represents a long-term commitment to maintain contact with your customers. Depending on your business there can be different ways to publish and distribute newsletters, and it is important to reflect branding in your newsletter so that each issue is immediately recognizable.
Publication formats can be:
• Email delivery - lowest-cost production and distribution alternative.
• In-store distribution - low-cost option with newsletters at checkouts.
• Newspaper inserts - selected papers offer to include advertising inserts.
• Mail delivery - bulk rate distribution to selected postal code areas.